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Plymouth County Outreach
Overdose follow-up Drop in Centers

Relief Recovery Center
Nestled beachside in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, just a short drive from Boston, Relief provides several outpatient treatment options for you and those who depend on you. Our programs are based on the pillars and practices of the 12-step system. We believe in persistence, structure, spirituality, and a supportive community for during your recovery.
We offer comprehensive addiction treatment programs tailored to fit seamlessly into your daily life. We believe everyday responsibilities shouldn’t hinder your path to recovery. That’s why we’re committed to supporting your journey, providing structure, support, and even assistance with transportation to and from our center.
No matter what you may be going through, it is never too late to turn things around.
Help is here : (508) 715-8557

Learn to Cope
Learn to Cope is a non-profit support network that offers education, resources, peer support and hope for parents and family members coping with a loved one addicted to opiates or other drugs. Founded by Joanne Peterson in 2004, the organization has grown to include over 10,000 members, and has become a nationally recognized model for peer support and prevention programming.
You can call our office at : (508) 738-5148 to speak to one of the staff.

The Champion Plan
Hours of Operation:
Monday-Thursday: 9:00 am- 4:30 pm
Friday: 9:00 am- 7:30 pm
Saturday: 9:00am- 2:30 pm
Sunday: Closed
Contact: 508-408-5168
How Does the Program Work?
-An individual suffering from a substance use disorder can enter the Brockton Police Department, to seek help.
-Next, Gandara Center will provide Recovery Coaches, most with lived in experience, to support individuals entering the program where they will be brought to our office while waiting to get the proper placement.
-Once a bed at a treatment center is available, Brewster Ambulance will provide transportation to the individual seeking treatment to the designated treatment center.
-We provide follow up services from Recovery Coaches, expect a call from us within 72 hours to check in!
*Please note: those with outstanding warrants are subject to arrest.

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
The Plymouth Support Group
The Plymouth Center for Active Living, in collaboration with South Shore Women’s Resource Center, facilitates a GRG support group. The group meets every Thursday at 10:00 am at the COA- 44 Nook Road, Plymouth.
The Plymouth GRG consists of Grandparents who, due to dire circumstances have selflessly accepted the responsibility of raising their grandchildren

Teen Challenge
Teen Challenge’s highly structured program
gives the addict the framework they need to rebuild their self worth, overcome life’s struggles, and be a
productive member of society.
The duration of their program
gives addicts and their families the time they need to heal and renew themselves.
The Power of Christ works through their program, granting hope strength
and courage to addicts and their families.
Call- 1-855-404-HOPE
or visit:

Providing Inpatient and Outpatient Services Throughout Massachusetts and Rhode Island
107 Lincoln Street
Worcester, MA 01605

The Affinity House
The Affinity House is a sober living home for women, run by women, seeking to lift you up and empower you to be the best version of your self.
Our sober house in Hull, MA offers a beautiful area for peaceful recovery with valuable resources, such as a variety of local AA meetings, seven days a week.

Alcoholics Anonymous
The AA Preamble
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.

Arbour Counseling Services
Arbour Counseling Services offers programs for patients of all ages through an outpatient continuum of care. With multiple locations throughout Massachusetts, Arbour Counseling Services prioritizes quality and convenience for the communities we serve.
384 Washington Street
Norwell, MA

Brockton Area Multi-Services, Inc.
BAMSI empowers people and enriches lives, through compassionate support and diverse services, one individual, one family at a time.
BAMSI’s services promote the recovery, resiliency, and self-determination of the people they serve. As a human services leader, BAMSI strives to be the provider of choice. With an emphasis on respect and affirming the dignity of the individual, BAMSI assists persons served to manage whatever aspect of their life is causing concern.

Andrew House Treatment Centers
Bay Cove’s Andrew House Treatment Centers are acute treatment facilities that provide withdrawal management services to individuals over 18 years old who need short-term detoxification from alcohol, benzodiazepines, heroin, and other opiates.
Referrals to Andrew House programs can come from a variety of sources–including hospital emergency rooms, community mental health centers, soup kitchens and shelter-based clinics. We also accept self-referrals from individuals seeking detox treatment.
Andrew House admits patients 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Admission to the program requires a call to the intake department at 617-318-5600 (Boston) or 781-232-5500 (Stoughton).

Bay Cove Treatment Center for Opiate Addiction
The Bay Cove Treatment Center is an addiction treatment center focusing on opiate addicted clients. The Center provides intensive, seven-day-a-week outpatient treatment to IV drug users. Clients receive medical assessments, daily dosing with methadone medication, weekly individual and group counseling, and comprehensive substance use disorder education. Case management and referral services are regularly provided.
Special populations served include people living with HIV/AIDS, individuals with poly-substance use disorders, pregnant women, patients with a co-occurring mental illness and substance use disorder, and heroin users who are homeless.
The Bay Cove Treatment Center uses a system which incorporates four Phases of Treatment, each of which is less intensive than the previous phase. Using this model, the client moves at his/her individual pace, from the assessment phase to the active phase, to the stabilization phase, and finally to the transition phase, which involves either extended methadone maintenance or medically supervised withdrawal to a drug-free status.
Contact: Betty Bredin, Program Director
Phone: 617-371-3040

New Hope Transitional Support Services
New Hope is a 60-bed short-term residential Transitional Support Services (TSS) program for men and women with substance use disorder, located in Weymouth. The program model is designed to bridge the significant service gap that exists for clients between detoxification and long-term residential or outpatient care.
At New Hope, case managers work with clients to develop individual service plans, which act as a roadmap for each person’s “next steps”—such as moving onto residential rehabilitation services, beginning a maintenance program of outpatient medication-assisted treatment, or other transitional care—while also developing a plan for each client’s new life in recovery. New Hope’s philosophy and treatment approach emphasize personal responsibility and self-discipline while receiving support from trained counselors.

Bloom- A Place for Girls
Short term, 3-5 months residential program for girls ages 12-17
Tori Ferrari, DBS/BC Director
774-300-8070 x 1000

Brockton Comprehensive Treatment Program
Southeast Massachusetts Comprehensive Treatment Centers provides medication assisted treatment to individuals, aged 18 and older, who are struggling with an addiction to opioids.
180 Centre Street
Brockton, MA

The CASTLE (Clean And Sober Teens Living Empowered) is a short-term treatment center committed to the prevention, treatment, and abstinence of drug and alcohol use in adolescents.
20 Meadowbrook Road
Brockton, MA

Clean Slate
Drug, Alcohol, Opioid Rehabilitation, Treatment (Medication-Assisted) & Recovery Center
If you or a loved one in Plymouth, MA are suffering from opioid addiction or alcohol addiction, call us or walk in to our outpatient addiction treatment center today. Clean Slate can get you started on an addiction medication-assisted treatment (MAT) program immediately, which may include buprenorphine (such as Suboxone) or naltrexone (Vivitrol) as part of an individualized treatment plan led by our trained medical staff.
CleanSlate drug treatment center treats patients with dignity, compassion and respect. They offer rehabilitation for drug addictions like opioids and alcohol and accept Medicare, Medicaid and commercial insurance as well.
46 Obery Street
Plymouth, MA

Crossroads Treatment Center
At Crossroads, we understand that addiction is a disease, not a moral choice. The help you need to get your life back is treatment—not will power.
We specialize in outpatient Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) using FDA approved addiction medication like methadone, Suboxone, and Subutex to treat addiction to opiates. MAT has been recognized by the Center for Disease Control as the most effective form of treatment for adults suffering from opioid dependence. The National Institute of Health similarly named MAT the “gold standard” for opiate treatment.
116 Long Pond Road
Plymouth, MA

Dimock Community Health Center
Founded in 1862 as the New England Hospital for Women and Children, the Dimock Center heals and uplifts individuals, families, and our community. Operating on a nine-acre campus in Roxbury, The Dimock Center serves communities in Boston and across the state, providing comprehensive, culturally-competent Health and Community Care, Behavioral Health Services, and Child and Family Services to more than 18,000 people annually.
55 Dimock Street
Roxbury, MA

Devine Recovery Center
The Devine Recovery Center is a peer-to-peer community center offering a place of support for persons age 18+ in recovery from various types of addiction. It is free to join and membership is made up of individuals from the Boston area. We are a peer-driven center and members create and plan all events and activities. Monthly community meetings give members the opportunity to participate in the planning process. We encourage all to give back to others by volunteering or sharing their experience, strength and hope with their peers.
The Devine Recovery Center is open 9am-10pm Monday through Friday, and 12pm-8pm Saturday and Sunday. Currently center members are hosting coffee hours, recovery groups for men and women, Al-Anon, meditation, yoga and much more.
675 East 4th Street
Boston, MA

Gandara Center
Stairway to Recovery
Gandara Center provides residential, mental health, substance abuse and preventive services for children, adults and families across the Pioneer Valley and eastern parts of Massachusetts. Founded in the Hispanic community, we value cultural diversity and strive to provide culturally competent, innovative services to a diverse community.

Gosnold, Inc.
Gosnold is a nationally accredited non-profit leader in the prevention, treatment and recovery of mental health and substance use disorders.
Gosnold offers a full, end-to-end continuum of care for drug and alcohol addiction and substance use disorder offering a wide range of treatment options.
Highly regarded for innovation, Gosnold offers a comprehensive patient centered continuum of care tailored to fit the needs of each individual.
Falmouth- 508-540-6550

The Haven, Brockton
The Haven seeks to be a refuge during the day for those who may be experiencing homelessness.
The Haven provides a safe and supportive place for all who enter to rest, read, write, create, learn, and build community.
Everyone at The Haven- members and staff alike- can take steps towards living into their intrinsic value. Through relationships built, referrals to resources, and opportunities to learn and grow, The Haven exists to see people thrive.

Due to the growing rates of substance abuse, mortality, and treatment admissions in Boston, there is a growing requirement for accessible, high-quality rehab facilities. This guide is meant to be a comprehensive, valuable resource for individuals and their families living in Boston and the surrounding communities who are on the journey to recovery. The selected treatment centers were analyzed based on multiple dimensions, including, but not limited to, the quality of the features offered by the facility, as well as the services offered by the care team.

HighPoint Treatment Centers
High Point’s mission is to prevent and treat substance use disorders and mental illness. Our goal is to help individuals and families achieve personal change and improve their quality of life.
Brockton- 508-584-9210
Plymouth – 1-774-213-8435
New Bedford-608-984-1697

Hope Floats Healing & Wellness Center
We are a bereavement and educational center for individuals and families who are grieving or facing other life challenges. Our mission is to help people cope with loss, support their healing, and nurture their physical and emotional well-being.
Mercy Street- Trinity Episcopal Church, 91 Main Street, Bridgewater, MA
A non-denominational place of refuge, support and encouragement for families affected by addiction.
“A Collection of Souls, Affected by Addiction”
We share in the suffering caused by addiction. Addiction isolates us from our friends. Addiction isolates us from our and families. It lies to us, steals from us and will try to consume us.
Mercy Street is a gathering of souls, connected by a disease, offering real hope and reminders that we all have value, we all have purpose, and that the stories of our lives are still being written.
Join us for our monthly gathering which includes an ecumenical healing service at 6:00 PM followed by a pot-luck dinner and opportunity for fellowship. call: 617-939-3530

Massachusetts Organization for Addiction Recovery
To organize recovering individuals, families, and friends into a collective voice to educate the public about the value of recovery from alcohol and other addictions.

New England Recovery Center
New England Recovery Center offers inpatient treatment to adults with Substance Use Disorders involving Alcohol, Heroin, Opioids, Cocaine, Prescription Drugs and/or Methamphetamines
The New England Recovery Center features holistic recovery services such as massage therapy, personal fitness, meditation and yoga as well as comprehensive addiction support programs for family members and loved ones.
Following detoxification and inpatient rehab services, our extensive outpatient services, alumni programming and continued monitoring are available to help facilitate sustained recovery and support long-term sobriety.
153 Oak Street
Westborough, MA

New England Region of Narcotics Anonymous
We have placed this website on the Internet as one of the gateways to the “experience,strength and hope” available to any addict seeking recovery. It contains information for addicts and professionals about Narcotics Anonymous in the New England Region of NA.
The New England Region currently encompasses most of Massachusetts, Martha’s Vineyard, Nantucket, and Rhode Island.
Helpline: 1-866-NA-HELP-U (1-866-624-3578)

Good Samaritan Medical Center provides comprehensive addiction support services at NORCAP Lodge in Foxboro, Massachusetts. NORCAP Lodge provides inpatient substance abuse treatment and intensive outpatient treatment to more than 2,500 patients annually. Patients can expect to receive high quality care in a safe, confidential environment.
71 Walnut Street
Foxboro, MA
1-800-321-2900 x2

Recovering Champions
Recovering Champions is a comprehensive treatment program specializing in substance abuse and co-occurring disorders. To give our clients the best chance of recovery, we offer a structured yet personalized approach that fosters life-changing experiences of hope and freedom.
We support each of our clients through a warm, encouraging, and vibrant safe space on beautiful Cape Cod, which helps each member of our community to develop lasting relationships, define long-term goals, and achieve ongoing success.
279 Brick Kiln Road
Falmouth, MA

Plymouth Recovery Center
71 Obery Street
Plymouth, MA 02360

Riverbank House
Riverbank House is a quality residential experience, resident collaboration, and a holistic approach to wellness provide members of Riverbank House Extended Care Recovery Community with guidance and structure as together participants establish and develop the essential practices – spiritual, emotional, and physical – necessary for a full life of vibrant, sustainable recovery, free from addiction and self-destruction.

South Shore Peer Recovery
South Shore Peer Recovery organizes people in recovery from all addictions, their family members, friends and allies, to put a positive face on recovery. They provide peer support, education and advocacy opportunities; working to remove barriers to recovery; treating all with dignity and respect regardless of the pathway to recovery.

Spectrum Health Services
- Inpatient Detoxification
- Clinical Stabilization Services
- Residential Treatment
Spectrum offers inpatient detoxification, clinical support services and residential treatment for adult men, all within a stately, two-story facility located adjacent to South Shore Hospital in Weymouth, Massachusetts.
861 Main Street, Weymouth, MA
Intake: (800) 366-7732
Outpatient Services: (800) 464-9555

To the Moon and Back
To The Moon And Back
provides a twice monthly support group for caregivers (foster and adoptive parents, relative and non-relative caregivers) of children born with substance exposure.
The group provides a place for caregivers to connect with their peers. We regularly host speakers with experience working with children with substance exposure so caregivers can remain in the know about the latest in research and best practices for this population.

Vet Center
The Vet Center Program was established by Congress in 1991 for veterans and their families who served during war and other periods of armed hostility, to provide a broad range of counseling, outreach and referral services to help them make a satisfying post-war readjustment to civilian life.

Wellspring Multi-Service Center, Hull, MA
814 Nantasket AveHull, MA 02045