Join some of the top minds behind research and best practices in care for children born with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS). The Beyond NAS 2019 Conference is for families caring for children with NAS as well as providers such as behavioral health clinicians, teachers, nurses, pediatricians, early intervention providers, early childhood educators,..
Dr Elisa Wachman (BMC) and Dr Grossman (Yale), the founders of Eat, Sleep, Console will present. Dr Marilyn Augustyn (BMC) will be discussing the long term developmental outcomes of children with NAS. Meghann Perry, CARC, will discuss parenting while in recovery. Lauren Langevin, RN from So Bay Early Intervention, SENSE, & To The Moon And Back will discuss early intervention and NAS. Ed Jacoubs MSW, LICSW will discuss trauma informed care. We’re also excited for our Caregiver’s Panel to give the perspective of foster, adoptive families and grandparents raising children with NAS.
Enjoy a continental breakfast and lunch. Opening remarks from State Representative Mathew Muratore.
If you have any questions or want to be involved in this event, please email Theresa Harmon at or Lauren Langevin at!