- Plymouth Chamber of Commerce forum on the legalization of Marijuana
- Series of debates
- Legalization group, Senator deMacedo, DA, local Plymouth Taskforce were all present
- It’s good to have opposing side at these debates
- Hostile experience
- Senator presented on his experience in Colorado
- Felt that they scored some points, but it was a small audience
- Topics that were discussed throughout the debate included:
- Edibles – rise in ER visits
- If you can’t quantify what’s in a person’s system if driving under the influence of marijuana, we’re going to lose many OUIs – huge issue
- Worcester death was mentioned – driver on medicinal marijuana
- This taskforce is very important in getting in front of these groups who are for legalizing marijuana
- Sheriff was not able to attend, but he heard feedback that many people were questioning what their position was after this debate
- Mary – How are we using our youth statistics to make our argument against marijuana?
- The Drug Free Communities survey was conducted and data showed that tobacco had the highest perception of harm whereas marijuana was the lowest concern for harm
- We need to get in front of this before it is legalized – gather our #’s to present to community
- Mary – How do we make it a forefront issue in our community? It is quiet in Brockton
- Maybe this group can say that we are against legalization of marijuana? Put out a public statement?
- We could utilize MA Prevention Alliance’s tools so that we are not recreating the wheel – they could potentially come to our next meeting
- We could get in touch with cable access within our towns, PSAs over radio stations
- Bring debates to our community – Quincy College would be willing to host one
- Has there been an increase in violence related to marijuana use?
- DA – yes, Denver DA had 16 fatal armed invasions in the beginning stages of legalization – all cash business; can grow in their homes; opens up doors for all of these horrific events
- There is a dichotomy out there about alcohol and marijuana and we haven’t done anything about it yet
- In the past 2-3 years there has been an increase in hash oil and butane explosions here and it’s not even legal yet
- It is important to look at both sides to defend ourselves
II. Sheriff McDonald
- Vivatrol
- Beginning in Barnstable
- Partial antagonizer, not reversal
- Reduces opioid cravings
- Getting a lot of attention on it
- They have to be clean and sober
- Receive shot after they’ve left and have entered the community – hoping for a best practice
- They’ve been doing it for 30 days so far
- 12 have showed up, 5 have followed up so they are beginning to compile the data – after the 3rd injection many are dropping out of program
- Peer counseling seems to increase success with Vivatrol
- Push for Saboxone – biggest drug getting smuggled into prisons
- Hillary recommended trying for earlier authorization of Vivatrol – 24 or 28 days is more beneficial than 30 days
- Section 35 expansion
- Signed MOU with Dept. of Corrections to do a second section
- 50 → 90
- MASAC overflow, anyone in Commonwealth
- Med Return Boxes
- BSU, Massasoit, Stonehill, Brockton PD and mobile
III. Legislative Updates
- Narcan Use
- Bill – allow for person who is administering narcan to be able to restrain
- Held harmless to lawsuits, etc.
- Committee put it off until June 30th – we don’t know where this is going to go
- Required transport fell out of committee
- March 10th Bill
- Medical students, providers getting more education
- Prevention – SBIRT
- Parent could opt them out, but student stays in program if nothing is said
- Section 35 has had some negative responses
- Worked with Judge in Barnstable Drug Court to create cheat sheet to education and have people be more prepared before going to the court
- Database available online of available beds for section 35s – reporting at least once a day
- Senators Update
- 5,000 medical prescribers, doctors signed up and completed opioid training
IV. Subcommittee Reports
A. Public Safety Subcommittee
- Outreach program – full 6 months of statistics + Carver and Middleboro, adding Middleboro as of July 1st
- Follow up visit of overdose, no turn away, will always listen if you bring resources to them
- 11 deaths, 125 overdoses – higher from last year
- Looking to add Hanson and Hanover – don’t want to recreate it in each town
- When expanding, we need to bring new stakeholders to the table
- Hopefully getting this into the budget after seeing the success of the program
- Goal: real time data – read statistics from any database
- Make decisions for best-practices down the road
- New initiative: Chief Scott Allen, EB Outreach Drop In Center
- Create in Plymouth on off weeks of EB starting July 1
B. Medical Subcommittee
- Dr. Muse is working with the committee to create a presentation for September for the taskforce
- Evolution of U.S. medical community
- Philosophy of addiction, how it works
- Prescribing practices, recommendations
- South Coast – pregnant newborns, drug endangered children
- Facility access
- Emergency dept. outreach
- Public awareness
C. Community Coalitions
- Nearly 4,000 surveys – 8, 9, 11, 12th graders
- Currently working with each school superintendent
- How can we release this to the community
- Nothing too socking
- Low # of regular use for prescription meds compared to 60% of peers perceiving regular use
- Planning will take place over the summer
- Outreach with pediatric associations
- Newborns, parents, grandparents, 15 yr. olds using heroin
- Pediatricians feeling unprepared
- 3rd large scale training in addition to Scope of Pain
- Currently working with each school superintendent
- Champion Plan
- 100 participants have been through the program as of June 23rd
- How to Help a Friend Resource
- 20,000 flyers/posters
- Youth can hide use for up to 2 years – friends can typically see this first though
- Bridgewater – grant for clinician, waiting to hear back on that
- Vigils will be taking place around international overdose awareness day
- Rockland – Sept. 1st
- Brockton – Aug 25
- Plymouth – Aug 31st
- EB – end of Sept.
- Press Release for PSA’s just went out
- Brockton won with Rockland in second
- PSA’s will show 52 times/day for a year at the Bridgewater movie theater
- 8 photo voice projects have been completed
- A documentary is being created
- The project effected them very deeply and they learned a great deal of information as a result of it
- Photo voice has been used for billboards to provide a youth based perspective
D. Faith-based Coalitions
- Trying to build awareness for those who regularly attend church, have a moral basis
- 5 churches hosted a meeting in May
- Creating 1 page info sheet for pastors so that they are prepared for mobilization for ballot – using faith based solutions
- Teen Challenge – Good Decisions program
- Brought into Academy for a pilot
E. Education
BSU hosting a meeting with public colleges – Fred to talk to presidents to see what they’re doing
- Aug – R.A.s are receiving narcan training
- May 17th event stirred a lot at the college
- High Point/DA had a conversation with the Dean at BSU
- Training for her faculty at beginning of the college year
- Social work class – Open Eyes Save Lives
- Trained over 140 people
- Going to continue to do that – student led initiatives have been impactful
- Goal: set meeting with colleges and universities this summer
- Presence at homecoming
- Stall street news
- Using unconventional ways
- Currently setting up trainings at BSU as a result of May 17th event
- BSU discussing housing on campus – dedication to specific population of students
- Brockton Rox Whiffle Ball Tournament – dedication to opioid effected families
- July 23rd
- Dedication Friday July 22nd
F. Data Collection & Grants Report
- May 17th feedback
- Handle with care was a great takeaway to begin implementing within the schools
- DA’s office created a training on this years ago for DV and just needs to be updated for drug endangered children
- Hazelden training was offered in May as well at Stonehill
- Handle with care was a great takeaway to begin implementing within the schools
- There will be upcoming workshops hosted at BSU
- Heroin ed funding from the state – updating curriculum and sending it out to the communities
- DA’s Office has a part time data analyst
- Currently have Signature data – hoping to get the other hospitals
- Access to PMP
- Overdose stats – limited, but beginning to look at it
- 2015 – majority of fatal overdoses 30-39 yrs old; majority of overdoses 20-29 yrs old
- *post-high school
- Julie Ferringer, FBI Analyst- can provide a report including information on pills testing positive for fentynal
- Sellers aren’t making users aware of this
- Can email her for the report
- There is a list of gaps included in the back of the report – please share any information regarding this if possible
- Julie Flinn Ferringer: ferrinder@ic.fbi.gov (508) 947-0625