The Make It Home campaign is based on the premise that the incentive to making it home safely substantially outweighs the consequences of impaired driving.
Personal Impact Stories:
Hingham CARES
October 6, 2021
Kathi is a mom who lost her daughter Taylor to circumstances created by underage drinking. She shares her story as well as advice for parents and students on how to stay safe around substances.
Chief Phil Tavares, Marshfield PD
” A Knock at the Door”
Lt. Wendy LaPierre, Pembroke PD
“Rolling Up to a Tragedy”
PCDAO Statistics:
From 2015-2020 over a 5 year span, the Plymouth County District Attorney’s Office prosecuted 5,894 OUI (Operating Under the Influence) cases.
Of these cases, 41 have been prosecuted in Superior Court and 18 in Juvenile Court.
From 2014-2018, the Plymouth County District Attorney’s Office prosecuted 18 Motor Vehicle Homicide or Manslaughter cases involving an impaired driver, including one juvenile case.
The 5,894 cases over the last 5 years, equates to an average of 3 cases per day. However, this only captures individuals who were arrested and prosecuted.
According to MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving), the average impaired driver will drive intoxicated 80 times before being arrested for the first time.
Youth Risk Behavioral Survey (YRBS)

From 2014-2018, the District Attorney’s Office conducted pilot studies among almost 4,000 students in several Plymouth County middle and high schools.
The studies were completed each year, for 3 years. They were based on a modified YRBS.
Consistently, from the first study to the last study conducted in 2018, alcohol use increased dramatically when students reached driving age.
In 2016, 11% of surveyed Freshman and 18% of surveyed Sophomores reported drinking in the last 30 days.
In 2018, those same students, now of driving age, reported the following: 19% of Juniors and 26% of Seniors reported drinking alcohol in the past 30 days.
This represents a 42% increase in drinking over a 2 year period when many students were earning their license to drive.

Make It Home- Web Hub
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