I. WELCOME – Sheriff Joe McDonald
- Update on Section 35
- Stats – Number of participants have varied (overflow population from MASAC):
- December – Mid-teens / January – in the 20’s
- The numbers indicated from MASAC were doable at first, but they need more beds
- Increasing # of beds – need to take into account population limit for effective treatment
- Opening a 2nd unit – increasing the count to 50 in 1st unit and another 50 in 2nd unit à no additional cost to commonwealth
- Sheriff spoke to 2 gentlemen to hear their stories – they had very different situations, but were both hopeful
- This reinforced the good in this work – their input is very important to continuing services and making bigger
- Need to replicate this model of utilizing the correctional facilities for treatment
- Question: Do you do overdose prevention within the section 35 beds?
- Yes, this is covered in the treatment program – they receive the same counseling and treatment that they would at MASAC
- Vivitrol treatment is available to everyone, but everyone does not qualify – this involves intense counseling
- Harbor Health partnering with Vivitrol – when individuals leave, they go through the therapy with them
- Insurance?
- This is part of the re-entry process
- If incarcerated, mass health is terminated and it is a long process to go back through it – looking to change Medicaid termination to suspension
- Stats – Number of participants have varied (overflow population from MASAC):
II. District A Tim Cruz
Conference in Atlanta
- About 1,900 participants
- Congressmen and the President attended – the President dedicating $$
- Many different tracks offered – legislative, doctors, etc.
- Prescription meds – reducing demands; when and how they should be used
- Medical professionals leading the way to end epidemic
- Education and collaboration is key
- Pushing to evidence based strategies
- Longer term facilities
- Understanding the role of law enforcement
- Report on the National Heroin Task Force
- In line with national effort – assisting all communities with best practices
- Project Safe Neighborhood
- DA noted that this was one of the best programs – 2006-2007 gun drug violence in urban communities
- Funding was previously gone
- ½ million dollar grant over two years
- Brockton – “we are the site”
III. Sub – Committee Reports
A. Public Safety- Chief Mike Botieri
- Plymouth Outreach Program – 4 months so far
- 85% of follow up visits accept bed on day of or in a matter of a week
- We go out to visits with a commitment of a bed – 26/27 into beds
- “People know we’re coming”
- Starting to collect the right data
- 3 communities now involved with initiative – want to consolidate this with every community in Plymouth County
- Getting footage to show progress
- Data software to share with other departments –overlaying in data – Sheriff and Da working on this
- Norfolk County Initiative
- Shift to looking at OD deaths to make connections
- EB Hope Drop-In Center -2011 created – Gloucester plan tailored to EB
- Volunteer driven outreach program at local church – started with 6 tables and clinician, now up to 13
- 180 people reached so far – treating addict and family
- Active users – clinician support, narcan training, questions answered, etc.
- 51-80 is the largest age groups being seen
- EB follow up piece – treating as a homicide investigation
- Well received at homes – success with this
- Overdose database – deaths are up from last year at this point, OD’s on par
- Chief noted that the goal is to put these two together – one system that works for everyone
- Brockton Champion Plan
- Feb 29 start date – enter police department, warrant checked
- Safe haven at Stairway to Recovery – staff/volunteer pick up at PD to bring to intake at Stairway to Recovery
- Evaluation program in place
- Placements for everyone to treatment so far and follow up is taking place in treatment with individuals
- CSS = 10-14 days based on insurance; TSS = free paid by state (longer placement)
- Goals:
- Establish one operational plan for county
- Identify opportunities of sharing practices – ex. EB Hope
- What is the data we really need for grants
- By Dec. 2016 – Plymouth County Departments doing follow up program; 6-10 communities by summer
B. Medical – Dr. Dan Muse
- CDC guidelines for Physicians and Patients
- CDC recommends 3 days for acute pain
- An overview of the committee was provided and reviewed at the meeting
- Public awareness – hospitals approaching it in different ways; unify resources
- Creation of new facilities – we need beds on the medical side – innovative approaches to securing beds
- Mother/Infant Evaluation – we are seeing more of it, Governor’s bill includes this
- Data Collection – We are doing great at data
- House Bill # 3468 states that patients would need to go to the emergency room after narcan reversal
- This would protect police officers and citizens of the commonwealth
- If they don’t take it out of committee by July 1st, they will be able to refuse going to the ER
- Petitioners of the bill, support in delegation – we need to reach out to Rep Randy Hunt sooner than our next meeting
- Who’s accountable after receiving narcan and something bad happens?
- The committee came up with a list of recommendations for medical prescribing practices
- They will be working to put these out to all of Plymouth County medical
- Chronic pain vs. acute pain
- “Talking to the patients”
- Eliminating the use of narcotics
C. Education Subcommittee- tabled until next meeting
D. Community Coalitions Update- Hillary Dubois
- Hillary announced that many coalitions are focusing on initiatives around pre prom, graduation
- Community-based education programs
- Death certificates
- Summer is typically the quieter months except for the past two years
E. Faith-Based Coalitions Update:
- Teen Challenge is working to implement a Making Good Decisions program in partnership with the schools
- Reaching youth with a message of hope through good decision-making
- Working on outreach as much as possible – hopefully bringing the program to the schools, but hosted within the community
F. Data Collection
- Discussion regarding possible Funding Streams
G. Legislative Report-Senator deMacedo
- Legalization of marijuana and overview of current conversations on the Hill
- Significant progress in region despite this horror
- Colorado visit shed light on the commonwealth ballot initiative – if passed what do we need to do
- All senators in opposition – there are a ton of complications
- Ballot: legalizing marijuana and hashish oil industry in its entirety
- Edibles – oil infused 30-40% THC; target audience – younger population being reached through advertising
- This is our fight for kids – we have the facts on our side
- Issued a lengthy report of consequences – not enough to say no – we are getting involved with an anti-ballot committee just created this past Thursday
- All working together to fight this – Gov., Speaker, Mayor, Attorney General
- “Why open another door?”
- Out spent 9-1; 35-50 million raised vs 3-5 million raised on our end
- Argument of revenue producer for the state
- Commonwealth needs to regulate this whole industry – incredibly extensive $$
- Edibles – oil infused 30-40% THC; target audience – younger population being reached through advertising
- A presentation of our findings can be available to anyone interested
V. Additions to the Task Force Organization Chart
- New Members were welcomed at the meeting:
- Good Samaritan Hospital
- South Coast/Tobey Hospital
VI. Open Discussion
- Ed – agenda item: DPH
- 11-12% of doctors using PMP
- Drug story Theater
- Best questions were heard from sixth graders
- Baby steps at younger age
- What is the right age?
- Upcoming Conferences
- Upcoming conference being held at Bridgewater State University – May 17th
- Role of educators in the opioid crisis
- Drug endangered children
- Law Enforcement Conference – April 29th
- Diversion trends, opioid investigations, ADAs
- The Sheriff’s Department calendar can be used to post upcoming events – link will be sent to the taskforce
- Role of educators in the opioid crisis
- Upcoming conference being held at Bridgewater State University – May 17th