Mission Statement
The Plymouth County Drug Abuse Task Force’s mission is to provide treatment solutions for those impacted by substance use disorders.
The Task Force will work together to help law enforcement maximize interdiction, deter profiteering and prevent narcotic abuse through intensive use of law enforcement tools and the justice system.
Task Force Objective
To bring law enforcement, the medical community, educators and substance abuse experts together to share information and track the current trends of the opiate epidemic within Plymouth County.
The Plymouth County Drug Abuse Task Force recognizes that treatment for patients should be widely available and within reach of anyone in need.
The task force will provide on-going support for community coalitions and will become a clearing house for all coalitions throughout Plymouth County.
Contact Us
District Attorney’s Office:
166 Main Street, Brockton, MA
Telephone: 508-584-8120
Sheriff’s Department:
24 Long Pond Road, Plymouth, MA
Telephone: 508-830-6200
What is addiction?
“Addiction is a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory and related circuitry. Dysfunction in these circuits leads to characteristic biological, psychological, social and spiritual manifestations. This is reflected in an individual pathologically pursuing rewards and/or relief by substance use and other behaviors.”
“Addiction is characterized by inability to consistently abstain, impairment in behavioral control, craving, diminished recognition of significant problems with one’s behaviors and interpersonal relationships, and a dysfunctional emotional response”
“Like other chronic diseases, addiction often involves cycles of relapse and remission. Without treatment or engagement in recovery activities, addiction is progressive and can result in disability or premature death.”
New definition of Addiction-American Society of Addiction Medicine, 2011

The number of opioid related overdose deaths in Plymouth County have decreased from last year.
- 2014 - 110 deaths
- 2015 - 174 deaths
- 2016 - 190 deaths
- 2017- 202 deaths
- 2018- 151 deaths
- 2019- 176 deaths
- 2020- 185 deaths
- 2021- 167 deaths
- 2022- *125 deaths/DPH data- 190 deaths
Opioids include heroin, opioid-based prescription painkillers and other unspecified opioids. This data was taken from the Mass State Police, the Plymouth County Drug Abuse Task Force Database, PCO and the Department of Public Health (DPH). This data is preliminary and subject to change, as a large number of death certificates have yet to be assigned a final cause of death code.
*2022 Data was taken from the PCDATF Database, consistent with data collected by PCO and MSP. DPH numbers are inflated showing an additional 65 fatal overdoses. This number reflects the number of fatal overdoses that occurred outside of Plymouth County that were transported to a hospital within Plymouth County.
The Plymouth County Drug Abuse Task Force is comprised of leaders from law enforcement, public safety, legislative, medical, education and advocacy communities. These leaders meet regularly to share information and track the current trends of the opioid epidemic within Plymouth County.
The Goals of the Task Force
- Effectively direct efforts by public and volunteer groups.
- Coordinate aid responses already in place.
- Facilitate new prevention ideas to save more lives.
- Assist caregivers in identifying resources.
- Promote treatment options to provide care in a timely manner.
- Reduce the stigma associated with substance abuse.
- Enhance communication and continual conversation.

A series taking on the opioid epidemic impacting our communities
Plymouth County District Attorney Tim Cruz
Plymouth County Sheriff Joe McDonald
view the episodes here
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